at the Interface of Cell and Molecular Biology, Biophysics, Bioengineering and Clinical Research.

Noskovicova, N., Schuster, R., Van Putten, S., Koehler, A., Boo, S., Coelho, N. M., Griggs, D., Ruminski, P., McCulloch, C. A., and Hinz, B. (2020): Targeting mechanical activation of profibrotic TGF-β inhibits fibrotic encapsulation of silicone implants. Fibrosis Network Webinar Series, December 10, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (invited talk Nina Noskovicova)
Son, D.O., Walraven, M., Im, M., Vilaysane, A., Davies, J.E., and Hinz, B. (2020): Mechanical priming on skin-soft culture surfaces enhances the wound healing potential of human mesenchymal stromal cells. 46th Gallie Day, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto, May 8, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Guo, C., Schuster, R., Kraus, O., Cooper, S., Hinz, B. (2020): Myofibroblast-directed macrophage polarization. Western Student Research Conference, Western University, March 27, London, Ontario, Canada
Guo, C. Schuster, R., Hinz, B. (2020): Myofibroblast-directed macrophage polarization. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, University of Toronto, February 11, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Kiebalo, M., Lodyga, M., Karvonen, H., Hinz, B. (2020): A novel mechanism of latent TGF-b1 presentation by macrophages. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, University of Toronto, February 11, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (1st Prize Undergraduate Poster competition, Melanie Kiebalo).

Noskovicova, N., Van Putten, S., Koehler, A., Boo, S., Griggs, D., Ruminski, P., Bank, R., and Hinz, B. (2019): Inhibiting fibrotic encapsulation of body implants by targeting mechanical activation of profibrotic TGF-β1. 29th Meeting of the European Tissue Repair Society (ETRS), September 11-13, Munich, Germany (2nd prize for best poster presentation, Nina Noskovicova)
Schuster, R., Kraus, O., Cooper, S., and Hinz, B. (2019): Dissecting Fibroblast-Macrophage Communication in the Fibrotic Niche. 29th Meeting of the European Tissue Repair Society (ETRS), September 11-13, Munich, Germany (ETRS competitive travel fellowship, prize for best oral presentation at ETRS Young investigator pre-conference, Ronen Schuster)
Pakshir, P., Alizadehgiashi, M., Wong, B., Coelho, N.M, Chen, X., Gong, Z., Shenoy, V., McCulloch, C., and Hinz, B (2019): Myofibroblasts, Macrophages and Matrix. Ontario Cell Biology Symposium, August 27, Toronto, Canada.
Son D, Godbout E, Hume, S, Boo S, Sarrazy V, Clément S, Kapus A, Wehrle-Haller B, Bruckner-Tuderman, L, Has C, and B. Hinz (2019): Kindlin-2 mediates mechanical activation of cardiac myofibroblasts. Ontario Cell Biology Symposium, August 27, Toronto, Canada.
Quesnel, K., Shi-wen, X., Hutchenreuther, J., Liu, S., Peidl, A., Naskar, D., Siqueira, W.L., O’Gorman, D.B., Hinz, B., Stratton, R.J., and Leask, A. (2019): CCN1 expression by fibroblasts has a role in bleomycin induced skin fibrosis and is a potential target for anti-fibrotic therapy in scleroderma. 29th Meeting of the ETRS, September 11-13, Munich, Germany
Noskovicova, N., Van Putten, S., Koehler, A., Boo, S., Griggs, D., Ruminski, P., Bank, R., and Hinz, B. (2019): Inhibiting fibrotic encapsulation of body implants by targeting mechanical activation of profibrotic TGF-β1. 25th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference, May 29-31, Montreal, Canada (best oral presentation, Nina Noskovicova)
Lodyga M, Karvonen HM, Ayaub E, Ask K, and Hinz B. (2019): A new mechanism of latent TGF-β1 presentation by lung macrophages. 25th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference, May 29-31, Montreal, Canada.
Son D, Godbout E, Hume, S, Boo S, Sarrazy V, Clément S, Kapus A, Wehrle-Haller B, Bruckner-Tuderman, L, Has C, and B. Hinz (2019): Kindlin-2 mediates mechanical activation of cardiac myofibroblasts. 25th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference, May 29-31, Montreal Canada.
Rattila, S., Warren, J., Yanez-Mo, M., Im, M., Cohen, M., Dunk, C., Hinz, B., and Dveksler, G. (2019): Interaction of Pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 1 with integrin α5β1 is a modulator of extravillous trophoblast functions. Research Days of the Uniformed Services University (USU) of Health Sciences, May 13-17, Bethesda, MD, USA.
Noskovicova, N., Van Putten, S., Koehler, A., Boo, S., Griggs, D., Ruminski, P., Bank, R., and Hinz, B. (2019): Inhibiting fibrotic encapsulation of body implants by targeting mechanical activation of profibrotic TGF-β1. Gallie Day, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, May 3, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (selected for -poster presentation, Nina Noskovicova)
Noskovicova, N., Van Putten, S., Koehler, A., Boo, S., Griggs, D., Ruminski, P., Bank, R., and Hinz, B. (2019): Inhibiting fibrotic encapsulation of body implants by targeting mechanical activation of profibrotic TGF-β1. Translational Research Workshop of the Department of Surgery, University of Toronto, April 29, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (selected for oral presentation, Nina Noskovicova)
Shen, T., Kim, G-T., Shafieyan, Y., and Hinz, B. (2019): Cardiomyocyte shape control improves contractility tests in drug screening applications. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, University of Toronto, February 13, Toronto, ON, Canada (selected for oral presentation, Shen).
Pakshir, P., Alizadehgiashi, M., Wong, B., Coelho, N.M, Chen, X., Gong, Z., Shenoy, V., McCulloch, C., and Hinz, B (2019): Myofibroblasts, Macrophages and Matrix. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, University of Toronto, February 12, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Kim, G-T., Shafieyan, Y., Shen, T., Plakhotnik, J., Maynes, J., and Hinz, B. (2019): High-throughput drug-screening using human cardiomyocytes in mechanically controlled environments. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, University of Toronto, February 13, Toronto,
ON, Canada.
Noskovicova, N., Van Putten, S., Koehler, A., Boo, S., Griggs, D., Ruminski, P., Bank, R., and Hinz, B. (2019): Inhibiting fibrotic encapsulation of body implants by targeting mechanical activation of profibrotic TGF-β1. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, University of Toronto, February 12, Toronto, ON, Canada.

Geelhoed, W.J., van der Bogt, K.E.A., Rothuizen, T.C. Damanik, F.F.R. Hamming, J.F., Mota, C.D. van Agen, M. de Boer, H.C, Restrepo, M.T., Hinz, B., Kislaya, A., Polema, A., van Zonneveld, A.J, Rabelink, A.J., Moroni, L., and Rotmans, J.I. (2018): An autologous cellularized in vivo engineered vascular graft capable of remodeling to a non-thrombogenic blood vessel upon arteriovenous grafting in adult goats. Kidney Week, Meting of the American Society of Nephrology, October 23-26, San Diego, CA, USA.
Asmani, M., Velumani, S., Li, Y., Wawrzyniak, N., Hsia, I., Chen, Z., Hinz, B., and Zhao, R. (2018): Fibrotic microtissue array to predict anti-fibrosis drug efficacy. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, October 17-20, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Shen, T., Kim, G-T., Shafieyan, Y., and Hinz, B. (2018). Cardiomyocyte shape control improves contractility tests in drug screening applications. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, October 17-20, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Kim, G-T., Shafieyan, Y, Shen, T., Plakhotnik, J., Hume, S., Maynes, J., and Hinz, B (2018): High-throughput drug-screening using human cardiomyocytes in mechanically controlled environment. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, October 17-20, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Sindhu, K.R., Nitin, B., Boiziau, C., Hinz, B., Rey, S., Laxtague, L., Mano, N., Kuhn, A., Barthélémy, P., Chassande, O. (2018): Low molecular weight hydrogel injectable scaffolds help tuning the foreign body reaction. 5th European Congress of Immunology, September 2-5, 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Walraven, M., Vilaysane, A., Im, M., Davies, J.E., and Hinz, B. (2018): Mechanical education in vitro enhances regenerative capacities of human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Meeting of the Skin Research Group, June 22-24, Montreal, QC, Canada (selected for oral presentation, Marielle Walraven).
Nazgiewicz, A., Cuningham, P., Meijer, P., Lodyga, M., Durrington, H., Mercer, P., Bechtold, D., Gibbs, J., Loudon, A., Piper Hanley, K., Hinz, B., Ray, D., and Blaikley, J. (2018): REVERBalpha modifies pulmonary fibrosis through inhibition of myofibroblast differentiation. 2nd International Conference on Tissue Repair, Regeneration, and Fibrosis, June 13-18, Chania, Crete, Greece.
Kim, G-T., Shafieyan, Y, Shen, T., Plakhotnik, J., Maynes, J., and Hinz, B (2018): High-throughput drug-screening using human cardiomyocytes in mechanically controlled environments. Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering Annual Research Conference, May 29, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Shen, T., Kim, G-T., Shafieyan, Y., and Hinz, B. (2018). Cardiomyocyte shape control improves contractility tests in drug screening applications. IBBME Annual Research Conference, May 29, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Pakshir, P., Alizadehgiashi, M., Wong, B., Coelho, N.M, McCulloch, C., and Hinz, B. (2018): Mechanisms of macrophage mechanosensation in collagen matrix. Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering Annual Research Conference, University of Toronto, May 29, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Wong, B., Pakshir, P., and Hinz, B (2018): Myofiboblasts attract macrophages in fibrillar collagen. Canadian Connective Tissue Conference, Toronto, May 23-25, Toronto, ON, Canada (selected for rapid fire talk Boaz Wong)
Shen, T., Kim, G., Shafieyan, Y., and Hinz, B. (2018): Cardiomyocyte shape control improves contractility tests in drug screening applications. Canadian Connective Tissue Conference, University of Toronto, May 23-25, Toronto, ON, Canada
Kim, G-T., Shafieyan, Y, Shen, T., Plakhotnik, J., Maynes, J., and Hinz, B (2018): High-throughput drug-screening using human cardiomyocytes in mechanically controlled environments. Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), May 23-25, Toronto, ON, Canada. (selected for rapid fire talk Kyu Kim).
Pakshir, P., Alizadehgiashi, M., Wong, B., Coelho, N.M, McCulloch, C., and Hinz, B. (2018): Mechanisms of macrophage mechanosensation in collagen matrix. Canadian Connective Tissue Conference, May 23-25, Toronto, ON, Canada. (selected for selected for rapid fire talk Pakshir)
Walraven, M., Vilaysane, A., Im, M., Davies, J.E., and Hinz, B. (2018): Mechanical education in vitro enhances regenerative capacities of human mesenchymal stem cells. (2018), Canadian Connective Tissue Conference, May 23-25, Toronto, ON, Canada
Pakshir, P., Alizadehgiashi, M., Wong, B., Coelho, N.M, McCulloch, C., and Hinz, B. (2018): Dynamic fibroblast contraction attracts macrophages over large distances in fibrillar collagen matrix. Joint Meeting of the Wound Healing Society (WHS), European Tissue Repair Society (ETRS) and the Society for Advanced Wound Care (SAWC), April 25-29, Charlotte, NC, USA (selected for oral presentation Pardis Pakshir)
Walraven, M., Vilaysane, A., Im, M., Davies, J.E., and Hinz, B. (2018): Mechanical education in vitro enhances regenerative capacities of human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Joint Meeting of the Wound Healing Society (WHS), European Tissue Repair Society (ETRS) and the Society for Advanced Wound Care (SAWC), April 25-29, Charlotte, NC, USA (selected for rapid fire poster talk, competitive travel award from the WHS, Marielle Walraven)
Karvonen, HM., Lodyga, M., Fecht, LK., Ayaub, E., Ask, K., and Hinz, B. (2018): A new mechanism of latent TGF-beta1 presentation by lung macrophages. Landscape of Translational Medicine Course, C-COMEND, EU training, Bayer, April 16-20, 2018, Berlin, Germany (selected for elevator pitch, Henna Karvonen)
Karvonen, HM., Lodyga, M., Fecht, LK., Ayaub, E., Ask, K., and Hinz, B. (2018): A new mechanism of latent TGF-beta1 presentation by lung macrophages. 24th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference, May 23-25, 2018, Toronto, ON, Canada. (1st prize poster presentation Henna Karvonen)
Karvonen, HM., Lodyga, M., Fecht, LK., Ayaub, E., Ask, K., and Hinz, B. (2018): A new mechanism of latent TGF-beta1 presentation by lung macrophages. Annual Meeting of the Wound Healing Society. Apr 25-28, 2018, Charlotte, NC, USA
273. Pakshir, P., Alizadehgiashi, M., Wong, B., Coelho, N.M, McCulloch, C., and Hinz, B (2018): Dynamic fibroblast contraction attracts macrophages over large distances in fibrillar collagen matrix. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, University of Toronto, February 14, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Vilaysane, A., Walraven, M., Im, M., Lodyga, M., Davies, J.E., and Hinz, B. (2018): Mechanical education and endogenous fluorescence tagging of human umbilical cord perivascular cells. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, University of Toronto, February 13, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Kim, G-T., Shafieyan, Y., Shen, T., Plakhotnik, J., Maynes, J., and Hinz, B. (2018): High-throughput drug-screening using human cardiomyocytes in mechanically controlled environments. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, University of Toronto, February 13, Toronto, ON, Canada (selected for oral presentation Gyu-Tae Kim, best presentation award in graduate student category)
Shen, T., Kim, G., Shafieyan, Y., and Hinz, B. (2018): Cardiomyocyte Shape Control Improves Contractility Tests in Drug Screening Applications. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, University of Toronto, February 14, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Pakshir, P., Alizadehgiashi, M., Coelho, N.M., Mohammadi, H., Guenther, A., McCulloch, C., and Hinz, B. (2017): Dynamic fibroblast contraction attracts MÏ• over large distances in fibrillar collagen matrix. Workshop on Fibrosis in Cardiac Disease and Cancer, June 22-23, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Pakshir, P., Alizadehgiashi, M., Coelho, N.M., Mohammadi, H., Guenther, A., McCulloch, C., and Hinz, B. (2017): Dynamic fibroblast contraction attracts macrophages over large distances in fibrillar collagen matrix. Ontario Networking Event (ONE) in Biophysics, June 17, Toronto, ON, Canada (selected for oral presentation Pardis Pakshir)
Karvonen, H.M., Lodyga, M., Ask, K., and Hinz, B. (2017) A new mechanism of latent TGF-β1 presentation in lung fibrosis? Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on Tissue Repair and Regeneration, June 3-9, New London, NH, USA.
Pakshir, P., Alizadehgiashi, M., Wong, B., Coelho, N.M., Mohammadi, H., Guenther, A., McCulloch, C., and Hinz, B. (2017): Fibroblast contraction is an attraction for MÏ• in fibrillar collagen matrix. Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on Tissue Repair and Regeneration, June 3-9, New London, NH, USA
Kim, G.T., Shafieyan, Y., Hume, S., Shen, T., Sarvothaman, M., Plakotnik, J., Gagliardi, M., Moody, J., Keller, G., Santerre, S., Maynes, J., and Hinz, B. (2017): Measuring drug effects on cardiomyocyte contractile function using a new high throughput device. Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on Tissue Repair and Regeneration, June 3-9, New London, NH, USA
Shen, T., Kim, G.T, Shafieyan, Y., and Hinz, B. (2017): Cardiomyocyte shape control improves contractility tests in drug screening applications. 23th Annual Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), May 18-19, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Pakshir, P., Alizadehgiashi, M., Coelho, N.M., Mohammadi, H., Guenther, A., McCulloch, C., and Hinz, B. (2017): Long range mechanical communication between macrophages and contractile fibroblasts In collagen matrix. IBBME Annual Research Day (iARC), University of Toronto, May 10, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Kim, G.T, Shafieyan, Y., Hume, S., Shen, T., Sarvothaman, M., Plakotnik, J., Gagliardi, M., Moody, J., Keller, G., Santerre, S., Maynes, J., and Hinz, B. (2017): A new device to quantify cardiomyocyte contractile function in drug screening applications. IBBME Annual Research Day (iARC), University of Toronto, May 10, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Shen, T., Kim, G.T, Shafieyan, Y., and Hinz, B. (2017): Cardiomyocyte shape control improves contractility tests in drug screening applications. IBBME Annual Research Day (iARC), University of Toronto, May 10, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Karvonen, H.M., Lodyga, M., Ask, K., and Hinz, B. (2017) A new mechanism of latent TGF-β1 presentation in lung fibrosis? 15th European Respiratory Society (ERS) Lung Science Conference, March 23-26, Estoril, Portugal.
Kühl, T., Nyström, A., Bruckner-Tuderman, L., Hinz, B. (2017) Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa fibroblasts develop fibrotic features in vivo that resist de-activation by culture on soft substrates. Annual Meeting of the German Society for Matrix Biology, March 9-11, Cologne, Germany.
Shafieyan, Y., Hume, S., Kim, G.T., Shen, T., Sarvothaman, M., Plakotnik, J., Gagliardi, M., Moody, J., Keller, G., Santerre, S., Maynes, J., and Hinz, B. (2017): A new device to quantify cardiomyocyte contractile function in drug screening applications. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, University of Toronto, February 14, Toronto, ON, Canada. (selected for oral presentation Kim)
Van Putten, S.M., Boo, S., Hinz, B. (2017): About the Stress of Measuring Active TGF-β1 – Facts, Myths, and Mysteries. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, University of Toronto, February 14, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Wong, B., Pakshir, P., and Hinz, B. (2017): Macrophage-to-Myofibroblast Attraction. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, University of Toronto, February 14, Toronto, ON, Canada
Karvonen, H.M., Lodyga, M., Ayab, E., Ask, K., and Hinz, B. (2017): The Mechanism of Latent TGF-β1 Presentation in Lung Fibrosis. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, University of Toronto, February 14, Toronto, ON, Canada.
van Putten, S., Koehler, A., Boo, S., Griggs, D., Ruminski, P., Bank, R. and Hinz, B. (2017): Inhibition of aV integrins reduces fibrosis around implanted biomaterials. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, University of Toronto, February 14, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Pakshir, P., Alizadehgiashi, M., Coelho, N.M., Mohammadi, H., Guenther, A., McCulloch, C., and Hinz, B. (2017): Macrophages Mechanosense Far-Ranging Changes In Deformation Fields Generated By Myofibroblasts In Collagen Matrix – Possible Implications For Fibrosis. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, University of Toronto, February 14, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Coelho, N.M., Arora, P.D., van Putten, S.M., Boo, S., Petrovic, P., Hinz, B., and McCulloch, C.A. (2016): Discoidin Domain Receptor 1 Mediates Myosin Dependent Collagen Contraction. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB), December 3-7, San Francisco, CA, USA
Van Putten, S., Koehler, A., Boo, S., Griggs, D., Ruminski, P., Bank, R., and B. Hinz. (2016) Inhibition of αv integrin-mediated TGF-β1 activation attenuates fibrotic encapsulation of implanted biomaterials. 22nd Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), June 1-4, Hamilton, Canada.
Li, C. X., Talele, N. P., Boo, S., Knee, E. J., Koehler, A., Balestrini, J. L., and B. Hinz. (2016) Micro RNA miR-21 preserves fibrotic mechanical memory of mesenchymal stem cells. 22nd Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), June 1-4, Hamilton, Canada. (Best poster prize award to Ericka Knee)
Shafieyan, Y., Hume, S., and B. Hinz. Live cell contraction studies on soft substrates: a paradigm to characterize diseased and healthy cells. (2016) 22nd Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), June 1-4, Hamilton, Canada.
Van Putten, S., Boo, S., and B. Hinz. (2016) bout the stress of measuring active TGF-β1 – facts, myths, and mysteries. 22nd Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), June 1-4, Hamilton, Canada.
Karvonen, H.M., Lodyga, M., Ask, K., and Hinz, B. (2016) A new mechanism of latent TGF-β1 presentation in lung fibrosis? 22nd
Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), June 1-4, Hamilton, Canada.
Lodyga, M. and B. Hinz. (2016) Effects of myofibroblasts on macrophage polarization. 22nd Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), June 1-4, Hamilton, Canada.
Landman, E., Lodyga, M., Pakshir P, and Hinz, B. (2016): Establishing new cell models to investigate interactions between macrophages and myofibroblasts. Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), June 1-4, Hamilton, Canada. (Best poster prize award to Pardis Pakshir).
Pakshir, P., Mohammadi, H., Coelho, N.M., McCulloch, C., and Hinz, B. (2016): Myofibroblast contraction generates mechanical cues in the extracellular matrix that attract macrophages. Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), June 1-4, Hamilton, Canada. (travel award to Pardis Pakshir) (Best poster prize award to Pardis Pakshir)
Shafieyan, Y., Hume, S., and B. Hinz. (2016) A novel cardiomyoctye-based device for cardiovascular drug testing . Inaugural Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research Scientific Symposium, May 12-13, Toronto, ON (selected for oral presentation Shafieyan)
Ciarmela, P., Protic, O., Toti, P., Islam, M.S. Occhini, R., Giannubilo, S. R., Catherino, W. H., Janjusevic, M., Greco, S., Cinti, S., Ciavattini, A., Hinz, B., and M. Castellucci, F. Petraglia. (2016) New data favoring an inflammatory/reparative pathogenesis of uterine leiomyoma. 63rd Annual meeting of the Society for Reproductive Investigation (SRI), March 16-19, 2016, Montreal, Canada.
Cambridge E., Lodyga, M., Pakshir, P., Boo, S., Ask, K., and B. Hinz. (2016) Direct adhesion of macrophages promotes myofibroblast differentiation by establishing a niche of active TGF-β1. Keystone Symposium: Fibrosis – From basic mechanisms to targeted therapies, February 7-11, Keystone, CO, USA.
Van Putten, S., Boo, S., and B. Hinz. About the stress of measuring active TGF-β1 – facts, myths, and mysteries. (2016) Keystone Symposium: Fibrosis – From basic mechanisms to targeted therapies, February 7-11, Keystone, CO, USA.
Van Putten, S., Koehler, A., Boo, S., Griggs, D., Ruminski, P., Bank, R., and B. Hinz. (2016) Inhibition of av integrins reduces fibrosis around implanted biomaterials. Keystone Symposium: Fibrosis – From basic mechanisms to targeted therapies, February 7-11, Keystone, CO, USA.
Koehler, A., Boo, S., Chow, M., Kwon, Y., and B. Hinz. (2016) Mechanical stress regulates integrin β1 binding to LAP. Keystone Symposium: Fibrosis – From basic mechanisms to targeted therapies, February 7-11, Keystone, CO, USA.
Karvonen, H.M., Lodyga, M., Ask, K., and Hinz, B. (2016) The Mechanism of Latent TGF-β1 Presentation in Lung Fibrosis. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, University of Toronto, February 9, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Li, C. X., Talele, N., Boo, S., Knee, E. J., Koehler, A., Balestrini, J., and Hinz, B. (2016) Micro RNA miR-21 preserves fibrotic mechanical memory of mesenchymal stem cells. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, University of Toronto, February 9, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Pakshir, P., Mohammadi, H., Coelho, N.M., McCulloch, C., and Hinz, B. (2016) Myofibroblast Contraction Generates Cues in the Extracellular Matrix that Attract Macrophages – Possible Implications for Fibrosis, Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, University of Toronto, February 9, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Shafieyan, Y., Hume, S., and Hinz, B. (2016) Benchmarking of a Novel Device for Cardiomyocyte-Based High-throughput Screening of Cardiovascular Drugs, Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, University of Toronto, February 9, Toronto, ON, Canada.
van Putten, S. M., Koehler, A., Boo, S., Griggs, D. W., Ruminski, P., Bank, R. A., and Hinz, B. (2015): Blocking ?v-Integrins that Mediate Mechanical Activation of TGF-? Attenuates Fibrotic Encapsulation of Implanted Biomaterials, 2nd Meeting of Matrix Biology Ireland, December 2-4, Dublin, Ireland (oral presentation van Putten)
Lodyga, M., Cambridge E., Pakshir, P., Boo, S., Glogauer, M., Ask, K., and Hinz, B. (2015): Direct adhesion of macrophages promotes myofibroblast differentiation by establishing a niche of active TGF-?1. 25th Annual Meeting of the European Tissue Repair Society (ETRS), October 20-22, Copenhagen, Denmark (selected for poster podium talk, best conference poster award)
Pakshir, P., Cambridge, E., Lodyga, M., Glogauer, M., and Hinz, B. (2015): Measuring macrophage-to-myofibroblast adhesion in vitro. Gordon Research Conference: Tissue Repair and Regeneration, June 7-12, New London, NH, USA (travel award to Pardis Pakshir)
van Putten, S. M., Koehler, A., Griggs, D. W., Ruminski, P., Bank, R. A., and Hinz, B. (2015): Inhibition of integrin-mediated TGF? activation attenuates fibrotic encapsulation of implanted biomaterials. Gordon Research Conference: Tissue Repair and Regeneration, June 7-12, New London, NH, USA
Shafieyan, Y., Hume, S., and Hinz, B. (2015): Development of a novel device compatible with high-throughput imaging systems for automated analysis of cell contraction. Gordon Research Conference: Tissue Repair and Regeneration, June 7-12, New London, NH, USA
Pakshir, P., Cambridge, E., Lodyga, M., Glogauer, M., and Hinz, B. (2015): Measuring macrophage-to-myofibroblast adhesion in vitro. Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), May 28-30, Quebec city, Canada (travel award to Pardis Pakshir)
Ciarmela, P., Islam, M.S., Protic, O., Toti, P., Occhini, R., Giannubilo, S.R., Catherino, W.H., Janjusevic, M., Lamanna, P., Hinz, B., Petraglia, F., Ciavattini, A., Castellucci, M. (2015): Understanding the uterine fibroids pathogenesis, SEUD Congress 2015, Endometriosis and women’s reproductive life, May 7-9, 2015, Paris, France (oral presentation Ciarmela)
Pakshir, P., Cambridge, E., Lodyga, M., Glogauer, M., and Hinz, B. (2015): Measuring macrophage-to-myofibroblast adhesion in vitro. Institute of biomaterial and biomedical engineering (IBBME) scientific day, May 8, Toronto, Canada.
MacLean, J., Green, A., Shnier, S., and Hinz, B. (2015): Extracellular matrix mechanics control fibroblast phagocytosis. University of Toronto Dentistry Research Day, February 10, Toronto, ON, Canada
Shafieyan, Y., Hume S., Hinz, B. (2015): Developing an assay for drug high-throughput screening and automated analysis of cardiomyocyte contraction. University of Toronto Dentistry Research Day, February 10, Toronto, ON, Canada (1st poster prize in the Post-Doc category)
Pakshir, P., Cambridge, E., Lodyga, M., Glogauer, M., and Hinz, B. (2015): Measuring macrophage-to-myofibroblast adhesion in vitro. University of Toronto Dentistry Research Day, February 10, Toronto, ON, Canada
Lodyga, M., Cambridge E., Boo, S., Glogauer, M., Ask, K., and Hinz, B. (2014): Cadherin-mediated macrophage adhesion promotes myofibroblast persistence. The 18th International Colloquium on Lung and Airway Fibrosis (ICLAF), Mont Tremblant, Canada (oral presentation Lodyga)
Ambrose, E.C., Rattan, S.G., Hinz, B., Simari, R.D., Dixon, I.M.C, (2014) Molecular comparison of porcine valvular interstitial cells to cardiac fibroblasts. European Society of Cardiology Meeting, August 30 - September 03, Barcelona, Spain
Müller, A.L., Li, Y., Hinz, B., Freed, D.H., (2014) The effect of extracellular matrix stiffness on human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell differentiation. Basic Cardiovascular Sciences 2014 Scientific Sessions, July 14-17, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.
Cambridge E., Lodyga, M., Ask, K., and Hinz, B. (2014): Macrophage adhesion through cadherin-11 promotes myofibroblast persistence. 20th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), June 8-10, London, Canada.
Koehler, A., Kwon, Y., Boo, S., and Hinz, B. (2014): Mechanical stress regulates the binding of integrin ?3 to latency-associated peptide (LAP) in fibroblasts. 20th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), June 8-10, London, Canada.
Gribi S.,Hinz, B. (2014): Cellular speed-dating: controlling cell-cell junction formation with a novel microfabricated platform. 20th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference: Biomechanics Mechanobiology and Biomaterials, June 8-10, London, ON, Canada
Talele, N., Fradette, J., Davies, J., and Hinz, B., (2014): Expression of α-SMA governs the stemness and fibrotic fate of mesenchymal stromal cells. 20th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), June 8-10, London, Canada.
Zimina, E, Hume, S., Clement, S., Kapus, A., Bruckner-Tuderman, L, Has, C., Hinz, B. (2014): Kindlin-2 is a Mechanosensitive Regulator of the Fibroblast to Myofibroblast Differentiation in Cardiac Repair, Canadian Connective Tissue Conference. June 8-10, London Ontario, Canada.
Hume S., Hinz, B. (2014): Development of a novel cell contraction test for high-throughput screening applications. Canadian Connective Tissue Conference, June 8-14, London, ON, Canada
Gribi S.,Hinz, B. (2014): Cellular speed-dating: controlling cell-cell junction formation with a novel microfabricated platform. Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering International Congress: Cell Mechanics and Nanomechanics, June 1-4, Toronto, ON, Canada (oral presentation Gribi)
Zimina, E, Hume, S., Clement, S., Kapus, A., Bruckner-Tuderman, L, Has, C., Hinz, B. (2014): Kindlin-2 is a Mechanosensitive Regulator of the Fibroblast to Myofibroblast Differentiation in Cardiac Repair, CSME International Congress . June 1-4, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (oral presentation Hume)
Green, A.,Hinz, B. (2014): Substrate stiffness controls collagen phagocytosis in fibroblasts. Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering International Congress: Cell Mechanics and Nanomechanics, June 1-4, Toronto, ON, Canada (oral presentation Green)
Klingberg F., Chow M., Koehler A., Buscemi L., Hinz, B. (2014): Loading the fibrotic spring: Pre-stress in the ECM enhances activation of latent TGF-?1 by myofibroblast contraction. IBBME Scientific day, May 8th, Toronto, ON, Canada
Talele, N., Fradette, J., Davies, J., and Hinz, B., (2014): Expression of ?-SMA governs the stemness and fibrotic fate of mesenchymal stromal cells. Engineering Cell Fate and Function (Z3) joint with the meeting on Stem Cells and Reprogramming (Z4) (Keystone Symposium), April 6-11, Olympic Valley, USA.
Klingberg, F., Chow, M., Koehler, A., Buscemi, L., Alman, B., Hinz B., (2014): Organized is More Efficient: Pre-stress in the ECM enhances activation of latent TGF-?1 by myofibroblast contraction. Keystone Symposium on Fibrosis: From Bench to Bedside. March 23-28, Keystone, Colorado, USA (Klingberg selected for oral presentation and recipient of a Keystone Symposia Future of Science Fund scholarship)
Zimina, E, Hume, S., Clement, S., Kapus, A., Bruckner-Tuderman, L, Has, C., Hinz, B. (2014): Kindlin-2 is a Mechanosensitive Regulator of the Fibroblast to Myofibroblast Differentiation in Cardiac Repair. Dentistry Research Day. Feb 11, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Talele, N., Fradette, J., Davies, J., and Hinz, B., (2014): Expression of ?-SMA governs the stemness and fibrotic fate of mesenchymal stromal cells. Faculty of Dentistry’s Research Day, February 14, Toronto, Canada.
Klingberg F., Chow M., Chau G., Koehler A., White E. S., Hinz, B. (2014): ED-A domain in fibronectin: Binding site for interaction with the latent TGF-?1 binding protein. University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, February 11th, Toronto, ON, Canada
S., Hinz, B. (2014): Cellular speed-dating: controlling cell-cell junction formation with a novel microfabricated platform. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, University of Toronto, February 11, Toronto, ON, Canada
Hume S., Hinz, B. (2014): Development of a novel cell contraction test for high-throughput screening applications. University of Toronto Dentistry Research Day, February 11, Toronto, ON, Canada
Klingberg F., Chow M., Koehler A., Buscemi L., Hinz, B. (2014): Myofibroblasts pre-stress fibrils of latent TGF-?1 protein to enhance TGF-?1 activation from the ECM. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, February 11th, Toronto, ON, Canada
Li, C., and Hinz, B., (2013): Epigenetic imprinting effects of the mechanical environment on the fibrogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells, World Conference on Regenerative Medicine, October 23-25, Leipzig, Germany (supported by competitive SGS Conference Travel Grant)
Wong, A., Zimina, E., Kwon, Y., Koehler, A., Hinz, B., (2013): The role of mechanical stress in regulating integrin binding to latent TGF?1. Canadian Undergraduate Conference on Healthcare, November 17, Kingston, Canada
Guo, S., Klingberg, F., Hinz, B., (2013): Tissue origin determines the susceptibility of fibroblasts to mechanically induced fibrogenesis. Hinman Student Research Symposium, October 25-27, The University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Dentistry, Memphis, TN, USA (selected for oral presentation)
Tsai, M., Koch, S., Balestrini, J., Hinz, B., (2013): Dual-Stiffness Silicone Culture Substrate Models Changes in Mechanical Properties of Cellular Microenvironments. Hinman Student Research Symposium, October 25-27, The University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Dentistry, Memphis, TN, USA
Cambridge E., Hinz, B. (2013): Macrophage adhesion through cadherin-11 promotes myofibroblast persistence. Gordon Research Conference: Tissue Repair and Regeneration, June 16-21, New London, NH, USA
Talele, N., Fradette, J., Davies, J.E., Hinz, B., (2013): Extracellular matrix stiffness reversibly governs the stemness and fibrotic fate of mesenchymal stromal cells in a pro-fibrotic microenvironment, Tissue Repair and Regeneration - Gordon Research Conference/Seminar, June 16-21, New London, NH, USA (selected for oral presentation) (Talele: recipient of the Anita Roberts Award from the Foundation of the National Institutes of Health)
Klingberg, F., Chow, M., Koehler, A., Buscemi, L., Alman, B., Hinz B., (2013): Organized is More Efficient: TGF-?1 Activation from the Extracellular Matrix, Tissue Repair and Regeneration - Gordon Research Conference, June 16-21, New London, NH, USA
Zimina, E., Clement, S., Bruckner-Tuderman, L., Has, C., Hinz, B., (2013): Kindlin-2 is a mechanosensitive regulator of the fibroblast to myofibroblast differentiation in cardiac repair. Gordon Research Conference on Tissue Repair and Regeneration, June 18-21, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, USA
Li, C., and Hinz, B., (2013): Epigenetic Imprinting Effects of the Mechanical Environment on the Fibrogenesis of Mesenchymal Stem Cells, 19th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), May 29-June 1, Toronto, Canada (selected for oral presentation) (best oral presentation on ‘Stem Cells’)
Klingberg, F., Chow, M., Chau, G., Koehler, A., White, E., Hinz, B., (2013): The ED-A domain in cellular fibronectin provides a binding site for the latent TGF-?1 binding protein, 19th Annual Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), May 29-June 2, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (best poster presentation)
Koehler, A., Sarrazy, V., Zimina, E., Chow, M., Li, C., Hinz, B. (2013): Latent TGF-?1 activation by human cardiac fibroblast contraction requires ?v?3 and ?v?5 integrins. 19th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), May 29-June 1, Montreal, Canada
Hume, S, and Hinz, B., (2013): Development of a Novel Cell Contraction Assay for High-Throughput Screening Applications, 19th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), May 29-June 1, Montreal, Canada
Klingberg, F., Chow, M., Koehler, A., Buscemi, L., Alman, B., Hinz, B., (2013): Organized is More Efficient: TGF-?1 Activation from the Extracellular Matrix, 19th Annual Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), May 29-June 2, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (selected for oral presentation)
Talele, N., Fradette, J., Davies, J.E., Hinz, B., (2013): Extracellular matrix stiffness reversibly governs the stemness and fibrotic fate of mesenchymal stromal cells in a pro-fibrotic microenvironment, 19thCanadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), May 29-June 1, Montreal, Canada (selected for oral presentation)
Cambridge E., and Hinz, B. (2013): Macrophage adhesion through cadherin-11 promotes myofibroblast persistence. 19th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), May 29-June 1, Montreal, Canada
Zimina, E., Clement, S., Bruckner-Tuderman, L., Has, C., Hinz, B., (2013): Kindlin-2 is a mechanosensitive regulator of the fibroblast to myofibroblast differentiation in cardiac repair. 19th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), May 29–June 1, Montreal, Canada (selected for oral presentation) (best oral presentation on ‘Mechanobiology’)
Klingberg, F., Chow, M., Koehler, A., Buscemi, L., Alman, B., Hinz, B., (2013): Organized is More Efficient: TGF-?1 Activation from the Extracellular Matrix, IBBME Scientific Day, May 3, Toronto, Canada
Talele, N., Fradette, J., Davies, J.E., Hinz, B., (2013): Extracellular matrix stiffness reversibly governs the stemness and fibrotic fate of mesenchymal stromal cells in a pro-fibrotic microenvironment, IBBME Scientific Day, May 3, Toronto, Canada (selected for oral presentation)
Li, C., and Hinz, B., (2013): Epigenetic Imprinting Effects of the Mechanical Environment on the Fibrogenesis of Mesenchymal Stem Cells, IBBME Research Day, May 3, Toronto, Canada
Cambridge E., and Hinz, B. (2013): Macrophage adhesion through cadherin-11 promotes myofibroblast persistence. Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering Scientific Day, May 3, Toronto, Canada
Hume, S, Hinz, B., (2013): Development of a Novel Cell Contraction Assay for High-Throughput Screening Applications, University of Toronto, Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering Research Day, May 3, Toronto, Canada
Tsai, M., Koch, S., Balestrini, J., Hinz, B., (2013): Modeling Fibrotic Microenvironments in the Extracellular Matrix Using Two-Component Polydimethylsiloxane Cell Culture Substrates. 2013 Pacific Dental Conference, March 7-9, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Zimina, E., Clement, S., Bruckner-Tuderman, L., Has, C., Hinz, B., (2013): Kindlin-2 regulates mechanical activation of cardiac myofibroblasts. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day 2013, February 12, Toronto, Canada (First poster prize in postdoc category)
Klingberg, F., Chow, M., Koehler, A., Buscemi, L., Hinz, B., (2013): Organized is More Efficient: TGF-?1 Activation from the Extracellular Matrix, Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, February 12, Toronto, Canada
Li, C., and Hinz, B., (2013): Epigenetic Imprinting Effects of the Mechanical Environment on the Fibrogenesis of Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, February 12, Toronto, Canada (Poster presentation award)
Hume, S, Hinz, B., (2013): Development of a Novel Cell Contraction Assay for High-Throughput Screening Applications, University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, February 12, Toronto, Canada
Talele, N., Fradette, J., Davies, J.E., Hinz, B., (2013): Culture On Soft Substrates Suppresses The Fibrotic Fate Of Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Research Day, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, February 12, Toronto, Canada (Invited for oral presentation)
Koehler, A., Sarrazy, V., Zimina, E., Chow, M., Li, C., Hinz, B. (2013): TGF-ß1 is activated by integrin-mediated contraction of human cardiac fibroblasts. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, February 12, Toronto, Canada
Cambridge, E., Glogauer, M., Hinz, B. (2013): Interaction between lung macrophages and myofibroblasts at different levels of activation. Faculty of Dentistry Research Day, February 12, Toronto, Canada
Talele, N., Fradette, J., Davies, J.E., Hinz, B., (2013): Culture On Soft Substrates Suppresses The Fibrotic Fate Of Mesenchymal Stem Cells, SRG/Alumni travel awards competition, January 31, Toronto, Canada (Selected for oral presentation, 1st prize best presenter)
Tsai, M., Koch, S., Balestrini, J., Hinz, B., (2013): Modeling Fibrotic Microenvironments in the Extracellular Matrix Using Two-Component Polydimethylsiloxane Cell Culture Substrates. 6th Annual UBC Dentistry Research Day, January 22, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Zimina, E., Clement, S., Bruckner-Tuderman, L., Has, C., Hinz, B. (2012): Kindlin-2 is a mechanosensitive regulator of the cardiac fibroblast differentiation. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Matrix Biology (ASMB), November 11-14, San Diego, CA, USA (Skills Development Travel Award CIHR Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health)
Hume, S, Zimina, E., Hinz, B., (2012): The Mechanosensitive Role of Kindlin-2 in Cardiac Fibroblasts, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (BMES), October 24-27, Atlanta, USA(OKU Tau Tau Chapter Travel Award)
Klingberg F., Chow, M., Koehler, A., Buscemi, L., Hinz, B., (2012): Influence of cell stress and extracellular matrix stiffness on the bio-availability of transforming growth factor-?1, 3rd T3NET Annual Symposium on cell invasion and matrix remodelling, October 15th-17th , AstraZeneca, Macclesfield, UnitedKingdom (Oral Presentation)
Talele, N., Fradette, J., Davies, J.E., Hinz, B., (2012): Culture On Soft Substrates Suppresses The Fibrotic Fate Of Mesenchymal Stem Cells, 3rd T3NET Annual Symposium on cell invasion and matrix remodelling, October 15-17, AstraZeneca, Macclesfield, UnitedKingdom (Oral Presentation)
Tobalem, M., Modarressi, A., Balague N, Mario, A., Pietramaggiori, G., Hinz, B., Pittet, B. (2012): Ageing alone does not impair wound healing. 21st Biennial Congress of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), September 4-8, Geneva, Switzerland
Zimina E., Clement S., Bruckner-Tuderman L., Has C., Hinz, B., (2012): Kindlin-2 regulates cardiac fibroblast activation and mechanotransduction. IMHA CIHR Young Investigators forum, June 11-12, King City, Canada
Cambridge, E., Glogauer, M, Hinz, B. (2012): Interaction between lung macrophages and fibroblasts at different levels of myofibroblast activation, 18th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), June 8-10, Toronto, Canada (U of T travel award)
Chaudhry S, Majd H, Pietramaggiori G, Alman B, Quinn T, and Hinz B. (2012): A continuously expanding silicone culture surface provides high yields of non-fibrotic primary human dermal fibroblasts for grafting applications, 18th CCTC, June 8-10, Toronto, Canada (U of T travel award)
Sarrazy , Koehler, A., Hinz, B., (2012): TGF?1 is activated by integrin-mediated contraction of human cardiac fibroblasts, 18th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), June 8-10, Toronto, Canada(award for the 3rd best oral presentation in the post-graduate category Sarrazy)
Talele, N., Fradette, J., Davies, J.E., and Hinz, B. (2012): The Fibrotic Fate of Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells, 18th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), June 8-10, Toronto, Canada (award for the best oral presentation in the graduate student category Talele)
Klingberg F., Koehler A., Buscemi L., and Hinz, B. (2012): Myofibroblasts organize the latent TGF?1 binding protein into pre-stressed fibrillar structures: a potential mechanism for efficient TGF?1 release, 18th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), June 8-10, Toronto, Canada
Kwon, Y., Klingberg, F., Buscemi, L., and Hinz, B., (2012): Mechanical stress modulates integrin-mediated adhesion of myofibroblasts to the latent TGF?1 associated peptide, 18th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), June 8-10, Toronto, Canada
Zimina, E., Clement, S., Bruckner-Tuderman, L., Has, C., Hinz, B. (2012): Kindlin-2 is a mechanosensitive regulator of cardiac fibroblast differentiation. 18th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference (CCTC), June 8-10, Toronto, Canada
Quinn, T.M., Hinz, B., Matmati, M., and Rosenzweig, D.H., (2012): Expansion of chondrocyte populations on high extension culture surfaces for improved retention of phenotype. 10th World Congress of the Internation Cartilage Repair Society, May 12-15, Montreal, Canada
Talele, N., Fradette, J., Davies, J.E., Hinz, B., (2012): Culture On Soft Substrates Suppresses The Fibrotic Fate Of Mesenchymal Stem Cells, IBBME Scientific Research Day 2012, May 7, Toronto, Canada(Selected for oral presentation)
Pera, T., Zuyderduyn, S., Schrumpf, J., Wipff, P.-J., Hinz, B., Rabe, K.F., and Hiemstra, P.S., (2012): Muscarinic receptor stimulation synergistically enhances TGF-?1-induced airway smooth muscle cell contractility. (2012) April 12-13, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Hume, S., Zimina, E., and Hinz, B. (2012): Kindlin-2 is a mechanosensitive adhesion protein in cardiacfibroblasts. Research Day Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, February 14, Toronto, Canada (Best poster, undergraduate category Hume)
Zimina, E., Has, C., Bruckner-Tuderman, L., and Hinz, B. (2012): Kindlin-2 is instrumental in cardiac fibroblast activation and mechanotransduction. Research Day Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, February 14, Toronto, Canada
Klingberg F., Koehler A., Buscemi L., and Hinz, B. (2012): Myofibroblasts Remodel the TGF?1 Storage Complex in the Extracellular Matrix, Research Day Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, February 14, Toronto, Canada
Chaudhry S, Majd H, Pietramaggiori G, Alman B, Quinn T, and Hinz B. (2012): A continuously expanding silicone culture surface generates high yields of non-fibrotic dermal fibroblasts for grafting applications. Research Day Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, February 14, Toronto, Canada (Best poster, graduate category Chaudhry)
Kwon, Y., Klingberg, F., Buscemi, L., and Hinz, B., (2012): Adhesion of myofibroblasts to printed micro-arrays of latent TGF?1. Research Day Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, February 14, Toronto, Canada
Talele, N., Fradette, J., Davies, J.E., and Hinz, B. (2012):Culture On Soft Substrates Suppresses The Fibrotic Fate Of Mesenchymal Stem Cell, Research Day Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, February 14, Toronto, Canada
Godbout, C., Follonier Castella, L., Garonna, A., Meister, J.J., and Hinz, B. (2012): The mechanical environment modulates myofibroblast contractile activity, Research Day Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, February 14, Toronto, Canada.